London bilingual, Pictureindex
You're sincerely invited to visit this Site - getting Your first impressions or, even better, compare that impressions, You experienced visiting this really exciting cosmopolitan City. I often remember this stay which changed a bit the view on my own Homecountry (Germany).
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Du bist herzlich eingeladen, diese Site zu besuchen - um erste Eindrücke zu gewinnen, oder, noch besser, eigene Eindrücke die Du beim Besuch dieser aufregenden Weltstadt gemacht hast, zu vergleichen. Ich erinnere mich oft an diesen Besuch, der ein wenig die Sicht auf mein eigenes Heimatland (Deutschland) verändert hat.
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me on Towerbridge (ich auf der Towerbrücke) / little introduction (kleine Einführung)
10210 Bytes
150 x 324
general impressions (generelle Eindrücke) / Classic Coach Company / Harbour Exchange Square
7850 Bytes
346 x 196
general impressions (generelle Eindrücke) / Classic Coach Company / Harbour Exchange Square
14379 Bytes
370 x 252
Towerbridge (Towerbrücke) / HMS Belfast
16718 Bytes
372 x 252
Towerbridge (Towerbrücke) / HMS Belfast
14149 Bytes
372 x 252
Victoria Station - getting in / Underground (U-Bahn) / Tube / Subway
13768 Bytes
372 x 252
Victoria Station - getting in / Underground (U-Bahn) / Tube / Subway
15848 Bytes
374 x 252
Bayswater / Queensway / Porchester Street
11135 Bytes
258 x 367
Bayswater / Queensway / Porchester Street
17297 Bytes
370 x 252
Porchester Street / Pub - the Prince Alfred
11631 Bytes
256 x 367
Porchester Street / Pub - the Prince Alfred
9234 Bytes
230 x 165
Horse Guards / Lifeguards / Blues and Royals
12778 Bytes
340 x 281
Horse Guards / Lifeguards / Blues and Royals
15825 Bytes
326 x 247
Trafalgar Square / National Gallery
9541 Bytes
252 x 367
Trafalgar Square / National Galery
16090 Bytes
372 x 252
Houses of Parliament / St. Stevens Entrance
11831 Bytes
368 x 280
Houses of Parliament / St. Stevens Entrance
14104 Bytes
374 x 244
#10 Downingstreet
14514 Bytes
256 x 372
#10 Downingstreet
11005 Bytes
272 x 241
Big Ben / Abraham Lincoln
12144 Bytes
254 x 367
Big Ben / Abraham Lincoln
15855 Bytes
254 x 370
Changing of the Guard 1
9371 Bytes
175 x 313
Changing of the Guard 1
12074 Bytes
258 x 260
Changing of the Guard 2 / Portal / Policeman / Buckingham Palace
21751 Bytes
372 x 250
Changing of the Guard 2 / Portal / Policeman / Buckingham Palace
12593 Bytes
374 x 244
Changing of the Guard 3 / how it works ...
16934 Bytes
372 x 250
Changing of the Guard 3 / how it works ...
17505 Bytes
197 x 366
Changing of the Guard / Musiccorps
14559 Bytes
374 x 244
Changing of the Guard / Musiccorps
13106 Bytes
374 x 254
Changing of the Guard / Musiccorps
13729 Bytes
374 x 254
Changing of the Guard / Musiccorps
13243 Bytes
374 x 254
Changing of the Guard / Musiccorps
14894 Bytes
374 x 254
Westminster Abbey
18480 Bytes
254 x 370
 St. James's Park / Boy feeding pigeons
10678 Bytes
370 x 252
 St. James's Park / Boy feeding pigeons
13200 Bytes
370 x 252
Tower of London
14068 Bytes
374 x 250
Tower of London
16262 Bytes
374 x 250
inside the Tower of London
11412 Bytes
368 x 250
inside the Tower of London
12656 Bytes
368 x 244
Speakers Corner 1 / Marble Arch
14679 Bytes
372 x 244
Speakers Corner 1 / Marble Arch
15145 Bytes
372 x 252
Speakers Corner 2 / Marble Arch
15376 Bytes
254 x 370
Speakers Corner 2 / Marble Arch
14947 Bytes
244 x 367
Speakers Corner 2 / Marble Arch
15557 Bytes
372 x 252
Knights Bridge / Little Ben / Sherlock Holmes
16522 Bytes
254 x 367
Knights Bridge / Little Ben / Sherlock Holmes
16922 Bytes
252 x 367
Tom from Harvey Nichols / Hans Cresent / Sloane Street
19866 Bytes
376 x 252
Tom from Harvey Nichols / Hans Cresent / Sloane Street
15324 Bytes
254 x 370
British Museum / Entrance (Eingang)
15347 Bytes
372 x 252
British Museum / Entrance (Eingang)
9797 Bytes
372 x 252
Mummies (Mumien) / British Museum
11786 Bytes
254 x 367
Mummies (Mumien) / British Museum
12864 Bytes
372 x 244
Science Museum / Apollo 10 / Coke Can
10058 Bytes
374 x 254
Science Museum / Apollo 10 / Coke Can
10587 Bytes
374 x 254
St. Pauls Cathedral
14654 Bytes
256 x 366
Westminster Abtei / Inscript (Inschrift)
12784 Bytes
374 x 252
Swinging Sixties / Carnaby Street
21963 Bytes
254 x 370
Swinging Sixties / Carnaby Street
17095 Bytes
252 x 368
Swinging Sixties / Carnaby Street
4646 Bytes
134 x 243
Piccadilly Circus / Soho Square Garden
16587 Bytes
370 x 252
Piccadilly Circus / Soho Square Garden
14204 Bytes
370 x 252
Madame Tussaud's / Rockcircus / Mark Knopfler
12806 Bytes
372 x 252
Madame Tussaud's / Entrance / Selfportrait / Pavarotti
5161 Bytes
178 x 167
Madame Tussaud's / Entrance / Selfportrait / Pavarotti
8890 Bytes
366 x 244
Madame Tussaud's / Henry VIII. (Heinrich der VIII.)
11970 Bytes
368 x 244
Madame Tussaud's / Henry VIII. (Heinrich der VIII.)
19493 Bytes
368 x 254
Madame Tussaud's / Francis Drake / Muhammad Ali
13633 Bytes
250 x 370
Madame Tussaud's / Francis Drake / Muhammad Ali
12154 Bytes
250 x 367
Madame Tussaud's 3 / Marilyn Monroe / Beatles
11728 Bytes
250 x 370
Madame Tussaud's 3 / Marilyn Monroe / Beatles
18883 Bytes
368 x 254
South Kensington (Tube) / Tom - a street musician
17589 Bytes
254 x 367
Portobello Road
13251 Bytes
374 x 244
Portobello Road
13228 Bytes
338 x 253
Fulham Palace / Park
13635 Bytes
368 x 254
Fulham Palace / Park
12951 Bytes
368 x 254
Bishops Avenue / Fulham Palace
12237 Bytes
368 x 254
Bishops Avenue / Fulham Palace
14270 Bytes
368 x 254
Bishops Avenue / nice house / tennis court
12428 Bytes
372 x 254
Bishops Avenue / nice house / tennis court
13458 Bytes
368 x 254
31214 Bytes
279 x 594
Canary Wharf / West Kay
12005 Bytes
368 x 254
Canary Wharf / West Kay
9346 Bytes
252 x 367
near Tower Hill / roman epoch / Trajan
21291 Bytes
254 x 367
Leicester Square Gardens / Albert the Grant
14242 Bytes
370 x 252
Leicester Square Gardens / Albert the Grant
10364 Bytes
370 x 252
Trooping the Colour 1
18179 Bytes
254 x 368
Trooping the Colour 1
14091 Bytes
300 x 336
Trooping the Colour 2
16411 Bytes
315 x 294
Trooping the Colour 2
15389 Bytes
320 x 284
Trooping the Colour 3
11412 Bytes
372 x 254
Trooping the Colour 3
11856 Bytes
374 x 254
Trooping the Colour 3
11900 Bytes
374 x 254
Trooping the Colour 4
15171 Bytes
374 x 244
Trooping the Colour 4
14772 Bytes
374 x 254
Trooping the Colour 4
17893 Bytes
374 x 254
Trooping the Colour 5
9783 Bytes
374 x 254
Trooping the Colour 5
10891 Bytes
374 x 254
Trooping the Colour 5
12800 Bytes
374 x 254
Trooping the Colour 6
14957 Bytes
374 x 254
Trooping the Colour 6
13393 Bytes
256 x 369
Trooping the Colour 6
17365 Bytes
374 x 254
Trooping the Colour 7
15938 Bytes
256 x 370
Trooping the Colour 7
14803 Bytes
374 x 254
Trooping the Colour 7
15818 Bytes
254 x 367